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(221/308) 1683 - ClassPath plugin and Beanshell

The Beanshell interpreter for jEdit should also be able to find classes that are set from the ClassPath plugin project properties.

Currently, that is not the case, with either the built-in beanshell interpreter (utilities-beanshell) or the
console beanshell.

Submitted ezust - 2013-01-08 06:39:26 Assigned kog13
Priority 8 Labels
Status open Group
Resolution None


2013-10-23 20:38:11

- **assigned_to**: kog13 --> nobody
- **priority**: 5 --> 8

2013-10-24 09:29:16

- **assigned_to**: nobody --> shlomy

2014-07-03 19:39:08.413000

- **assigned_to**: Shlomy Reinstein --> Damien
- **Group**: -->